Monday, September 10, 2007

Religious Extremism and Free Speech

Nowadays one gets to hear a lot about islamofascists or something like that.....especially from a bunch of Americans. It seems that some of them have such a narrow minded view of the world that they have classified the whole world into "conservative american christians" and a bunch of " "(insert random abusive word).

Here is an example of one of those knowledge about him comes from an opus cartoon and a google search which succeeded it. I am all for free speech and everything, but I think this is one of the borderline cases. What separates this guy and Hitler is that they hated different things and our friend here didn't have the resources to go on an anti-everybody else campaign.

Of course I may be completely wrong in my assessment of the guy, but anyone who sees "hidden homosexual innuendo" in Teletubbies is almost surely off his rocker...

Incidently, newspapers are so afraid of offending muslims that they didn't run two Opus cartoons. This one and the one after.

I don't blame them because during the whole Danish cartoon I saw first hand(I was in UAE then), the madness that erupted. Most shops had huge signs proclaiming that they didn't sell Danish products(even though the abysmal spelling and grammar did mar the overall effect slightly). Then there is the case of Salman Rushdie who was a victim of a virtual kill on sight order after he published Satanic Verses. Even the Catholic church erupted vehemously against the Da Vinci Code without realising that they increased the popularity of the book by giving it free publicity....

Thats one of the problems with this world, one has to be politically correct to the point of being paranoid, so as to not offend any of the other 6 billion folks in the world.........

Also check this....

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