Monday, April 30, 2007

Dullest Blog

I came across this website recently. It claims to be the dullest blog in the world. I can't argue with that. I think it is pretty good though. So do a LOT of people, judging by the comments section.

I believe that after a certain limit, dull stuff become interesting, uncool stuff become cool and stupid things start making sense...

Don't believe me? Have you heard Crazy Frog?....Now you got what I mean.


I don't know anyone who has purposed named something 'Untitled'. So I shall claim a first there, until someone corrects my ignorance. I was gonna post something interesting, but sitting here in front of the comp, my mind is a blank slate . I normally have lots of cool and stupid (well, mostly stupid) thoughts running through my mind. I feel that I should write it down somewhere, but I become lost in thought and neglect the writing part. Inevitably, I forget that line of thought and then it's lost.

Now why am I posting all this?...Nope, I have absolutely no idea....

But, as I like to say....why NOT?........

First Post

Well...I finally started a blog; which is quite suprising when I remember that I've wanted to be a blogger for a pretty long time. I had actually planned to start a blog last year. Alas, it was meant to be. I never realised that some aspects of college life would take up a such huge amount of time, that all my free time was spent doing less mundane stuff like sleeping, sleeping, reading and wiki-ing.... (Note:This is another way of saying that I am pretty lazy and pretty creative, when it comes to ways to waste time is that a paradox). Anyway, after a really long period of proscastination, I have started gaining momentum in my journey to maintain a blog.

When I try to analyse why I wanted to immediately start a blog, a multitude of possible reasons pop up in my mind. To Do I want to achieve fame? Do I want to amass a huge fortune online? Do I want to lash out agains social injustice and expose the wrong doings of our society? Or do I want an outlet for the insane amount of nonsense that pops into my mind?

Or is it because I have a lot of chores to do and I am just looking for a way to avoid work?......
Sigh...thats lyfe.........