Monday, November 24, 2008

A quickie here

Just read this interview with Shobhaa De. It is sad to see our so called open minded 'modern' folks support the rhetoric of the MNS. Hmm...are most 'intellectuals' this narrow minded in our country or is this a unique case? Or are they tolerant only if they are spectators from afar? This mindless violence reminds me of the 'real Americans' rhetoric put forward by McCain supporters. It seems wherever you are, xenophobia and fear mongering is the way to go.

Sigh...where are we, as a nation going?

P.S. : Of course I might be wrong. But my conscience can't accept the possibility that the alternative may be right.

P.P.S. : I hate news sites that split up stories into umpteen fragments so that I can view more ads.

Friday, November 14, 2008


The archive on the right says that i had 41 posts in '07 and a pathetic 7 posts in '08. Objectively speaking, I had better facilities to become a regular blogger this year. We got net in our hostels. My reading dramatically increased, but the sense of complacency that came with these added luxuries effectively decimated my blogging tendencies. Fun trivia, the word decimate originates from the practice of killing one in every ten by the victors of a war. It was done among the romans....i too lazy to verify.

Sigh.....lets hope I am more active next sem......